НОВОСТИ & Мероприятия


The initiative organized by the Rotary Club Franciacorta, in collaboration with the University of Brescia and our company, takes place for the second year. IMA has sponsored 3 scholarships for students of the Engineering course.
Even this year in memory of Giacomo Catteno, one of IMA young employee, died several years ago in a car accident.

On June 18th, during the convivial dinner of the Rotary Club Franciacorta, at the Hotel Turing in Coccaglio, we had the honor of conferring the 3 scholarships to the most deserving students, in the presence of the Magnificent Rector of the University of Brescia and the President of AIB association.

An initiative we are proud of and that is in line with the company policy of promoting research and development, also through these young students who will be one day the future of our companies, because they will come in to improve and make them grow technologically and not only.

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